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Human Resources Services

We take accountability and responsibility for your success typically tying our commercial success to your commercial success risk / reward models are the norms at Ventry Consultants.

Human resource is a very vital part of organisational growth, management and stability.

Our Organisation provides  professional services as to  maximize the efficiency of the most valuable resources in organisation.

  • Evaluate e – channels in reaching our prospects
  • Find people who can adapt to the organisational culture, as to achieve its goal
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of other sources and techniques for job applicants
  • Analyze the recruitment and selection processes, including expediting future job analyses for similar positions.
  • Ensure the job description and hiring process meets the company requirements.
  • Investigate e recruitments strategies and implementation
  • Creating a pool of talented candidate to ensure the organization can select the best candidate

Job evaluation specifies the relative value of each job in an organization. It basically serves the purpose of compensation procedures.

Job evaluation is a useful tool for making decisions about the compensation to be attached with a particular position.

  • To analyze the job factors and requirements for our prospective clients.
  • To list k.P.I to evaluate J.E
  • To assist clients Facilitate Comparison and Survey
  • To determine upon a standard for performance appraisal for determining relative worth of each job in a plant.
  • To form a basis for fixing incentive and different bonus plans.i.e we identify them practically
  • To undergo organizational development in times of change.
  • To assist our clients identify a ladder of progression for employees by providing benchmark for career planning.
  • To provide information for work organization, employee’s selection, placement training, career development.
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